ecological sustainability
महिला किसानों की पहाड़ी खेती (in Hindi)

जलवायु बदलाव के दौर में पहाड़ी इलाकों में परंपरागत खेती की पुनः वापिसी हुई है। जैव विविधता और पर्यावरण का संरक्षण हुआ है। महिला सशक्तीकरण हुआ है।

Handloom saris produced with natural dyes hit the market

Will all weavers of cooperative societies in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts produce Udupi saris with natural dyes?

This khadi collective in a Karnataka village has clients around the world

A diversified Gandhian village economy attempting to train Dalit women and women from other marginalised castes in new remunerative skills

Meet Telangana’s fiery dalit women fighting all odds to save environment

Our millet-based agriculture - self-sustaining and sovereign agriculture - is our heritage.

Kondh Ingenuity: An Unsentimental Reverence to Nature

In the month of April, at the Bihan Parab festival, people come together to share seeds for the upcoming cultivation cycle, ensuring equity.

Open Letter to Subhash Palekar-ji, on his comparison of Organic Farming to Atom Bomb

Request: Publicly withdraw your statement that “Organic farming is worse than atom bomb;” and your approval of GM seeds in ZBNF/SPNF.

This Family Did Not Send Their Children to School, but Taught Them by Creating a Forest

They built check-dams in the watershed, dug percolation-pits and mulched heavily to prevent soil erosion and to conserve water.

Sustaining a river through young minds

A dying river is sought to be conserved by ensuring a steady stream of young, local foot soldiers involved in her protection.

The barefoot hydrogeologists of the Himalayan regions

"I have seen the fracture when we built the naula" said Chachaji. He then proceeded to add details to the rough sketch on the board.