ecological sustainability
Capacity building for water conservation needs: A young mind at work

The community was educated, their trust gained, and constant support provided to them

Janta Parliament: Resolutions Passed in Session on Environment, 18 August 2020

Over 30 resolutions relating to eight subjects passed at the Environment session

Jan Sarokar – People’s Policy for Post COVID-19 Times, August 2020

Opportunity to redesign our economy towards generating tens of millions of ecologically sustainable and dignified livelihoods.

हाथीपावा : श्रमदान से बदली सूरत (in Hindi)

सहयोग की परंपरा हलमा कार्यक्रम में 5 हजार से ज्यादा ग्रामीणों ने अपने खर्च पर झाबुआ पहुंचकर पांच घंटे तक श्रमदान किया।

Reviving tradition with new mandate: Shivji ka HALMA

Shivji ka Halma! To quench the thirst of Mother Earth, an ancient tradition of the Bhil tribe, re- cast.

Meet the Indian Scientist Who Gave the Greater Adjutant Stork an Image Makeover

A community event marks the storks’ breeding season - it’s a baby shower for Greater Adjutants

Restoring lakes not an engineering task: How some communities did the job

Local bodies and activists are coming together to deal with lake pollution, de-silting, encroachment

VSCG statement on CCFI advertorial, 3 Aug 2020

Re: Atrociously malicious and untruthful Advertorial published in the Business Standard on 29/7/2020

Rajasthan tribals’ struggle for indigenous practices highlighted at U.N. event

The tribal communities in Banswara, Dungarpur and Udaipur districts earlier had a (sustainable) forest resource-based livelihood