ecological sustainability
Churning The Earth

Ordinary people constructing alternatives like sustainable farming, community-led ecotourism and conservation, revival of crafts, activity-based learning, decentralised water harvesting, local governance and direct democracy.


In solidarity for the wellbeing and sustenance of our Himalayan natural heritage - glaciers, rivers, alpine pastures, forests and lands and diverse inhabitants whose identity and survival depend on the Himalaya.

WASTE THAT IS NOT WASTE : The management of solid waste generated by the Ganesh Chaturthi festival 

Municipal corporations of each city can integrate this cyclic supply chain into their solid waste management plans ensuring that the true value of the material is recognised.

Alternative Developmental Paths in the Western Himalayas

At the core of all these is the motivation to ensure overall happiness of communities, which cannot be ensured solely through economic well-being.

Gardens of Resilience: How Gond Adivasi Women Are Cultivating Change Amid Crisis

A call to action for recognising and funding genuine, community-led gender-just climate solutions, providing women access to clean energy to meet their daily needs.

Et Aevum’s Honey Business

Bees play a crucial role in pollinating various crops, including mustard and litchi, thereby increasing crop yields.

बणःतु हको कथाःरे Bana-Tu Haqo Kathare | Forest Rights Chronicles || A film by Himdhara Collective

The film traces through indigenous testimonies traces the evolution of socio-ecological systems in Lahaul

The hills are alive with the songs of change

How Sahyadri School KFI is nourishing alternatives in education to revive students’ connections to the land

Van Gujjars help conserve forests, but are deprived of rights

The Van Gujjars – a pastoralist community in Uttarakhand – are on the frontline of climate change, but their role in forest management is limited by the rights they are denied