Gujarat Man Helps Tribal Women Make Solar Cookers That Cost Just Rs 100!
Travelling across over 100 villages in Gujarat, the duo has trained people to make the best use of sun’s energy.
With dream dam farmers show what is possible
The old, unused bridge came as a blessing for the farmers - how?
The Makeshift Huts – Indigenous Agro-pastoral Communities
Simple structure, used for shelter from weather and protection from wild animals, and also to store food. The hearth is under the elevated floor.
Thannal Hand Sculpted Home
Built in less than a month and a half.
Their Will, Their Way
Pune citizens come together to save their water resources, show ways to use water sustainably.
Mangal Turbine – A Neglected Device Which Can Save Millions of Litres of Diesel Every Year
The value of this Turbine has increased further with the need to curb fossil fuel consumption and the related greenhouse gas emissions.
Where children Defy odds to make a future
After a few months, I can hand over the responsibility of the space to the locals who take ownership of everything, including the financials.
Maker Magic
Maker spaces are drawing everyone from artists creating movie props to hobbyists making furniture and youngsters building drones and robots.
अलीराजपुर में कैशलेस जीवन की झलकियाँ (in Hindi)
आदिवासी गाॅवों में हमने चौदह वर्ष लगभग कैशलेस तरीके से बिताये। सच में बिना कैश के। चूल्हा भी औरतें खुद ही बना लेती थीं। खाना हाथ से ही होता था।