Alternative paradigm of development – Tagore & Gandhi
A developed society fosters creativity of human mind, is peaceful, inclusive, connected with love, affection & friendship
Kashmiri Pandit, Muslim Artists Come Together to Promote Harmony Through Their Work
Unique exhibition aimed at promoting the ideas of harmony and togetherness through the medium of art
Amid fund crunch, CGNet Swara eyes shift to Bluetooth radio tech
Under the Digital India campaign, optical fibre cables are being laid at the village level. That makes it possible for “Bluetooth radio" to work.
PM sees in Chhattisgarh’s Radio Bultoo an example worth emulating for farmers
"Radio Bultoo", Chhattisgarh's version of disseminating information through bluetooth-enabled mobile phones in local languages, fascinated the PM
Magic in the desert and New Year
What was this world where we could be ourselves, sauntering around in night suits and unkempt looks without getting a second stare?
The Miracle of ‘Bluetooth’ Radio
All messages and songs recorded in the district over the day, in local languages such as Kuduk, reach every villager in this manner, free of charge.
रेडियो ‘ब्लूटूथ’ कर रहा है कमाल (in Hindi)
हर गाँव से एक व्यक्ति हर सुबह अपने ग्राम पंचायत के दफ़्तर में आकर अपने ब्लूटूथ वाले मोबाइल फ़ोन में 'कुडुक' भाषा में बने रेडियो कार्यक्रम को डाउनलोड करता है.
Bangalore bus Commuters’ Forum
The Bangalore Bus Prayaanikara Vedike was formed by commuters, who, intending to oppose the hike in bus fare, also formed this forum to deal with varied issues relating to the bus service and the bus terminus.