From the Mob to the Community: the Alternative to Developmentality

It requires a vibrant Community to protect the commons from individual appropriation.

The duo who revolutionized the folk culture of Rajasthan

An institute that set the ball rolling in the field of folklore, art and music in Rajasthan.

Proto-Village: A Prototype of a Vikalp Economy

Each one can produce their food, is literate, can think mathematically, are environmentally responsible and physically fit

The Making of Khwaabgaon: How an Idyllic Village in Bengal Became an Artist’s Canvas

Villagers ceremonially put a fresh coat of mud on their walls start painting on them

Speaking River, Speaking Rain

Languages, in complex ways, are braided together with living ecologies and places.

Removing forest dwellers from areas to protect biodiversity costs more than involving them: report

"... Such examples of realising economic benefits have a direct positive impact on forest growth,”

Discoms to hand-hold residents to boost rooftop solar power in Delhi

Community-based demand aggregation programmes, which will be expanded if the pilot projects are successful.

Reviving the Thar Desert’s Camel Culture

Protecting the camel is synonymous to protecting its habitat—large, open, desert areas used by villages as commons

उत्तराखंड की आवाज है हेंवलवाणी (in Hindi)

स्थानीय भाषा गढ़वाली में हेंवलवाणी सामुदायिक रेडियो के कार्यक्रम होते हैं, जिनका मुख्य जोर स्थानीय जरूरतें व समुदाय से जुड़े मुद्दे हैं