The Kadar Community Chart An Inspirational Journey Of Resilience As They Take Back Their Forests

The Kadars of Tamil Nadu, displaced from their ancestral forests in 2019, have fought hard to win back what is rightfully theirs.

Banswara’s migrant tribal labourers are now proud organic farmers

Tribal farmers are now becoming torch bearers of organic cultivation in the state where the government is pushing for zero-budget farming to increase farmers’ income and restore soil health and fertility.

पहाड़ी महिलाओं की आत्मनिर्भर खेती (in Hindi)

पलायन से उजड़ती खेती को महिलाओं ने पुनर्जीवित किया, खाद्य सुरक्षा के साथ आमदनी भी बढ़ाई। सामाजिक व खेती से जुड़े कई मुद्दों पर आवाज उठाई।

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: How to Reunite India

The notion of an ‘Alliance of Civilisations’ is the guiding principle of many groups in various cities who wish to revive India’s syncretic traditions

અમારુ જંગલ આપીશું નહીં (in Gujarati)

"We've been conserving the forest for millennia. Even our songs are similar to the sounds of animals..."

मेंढा (लेखा) के श्री. देवाजी तोफा को मानद D.Litt. (in Hindi)

"दिल्ली मुंबई में हमारी सरकार, हमारे गाव में हमही सरकार !"

महामारी में शहीद अस्पताल की पहल (in Hindi)

सस्ता व उचित इलाज और सही जानकारी के प्रचार-प्रसार से महामारी का सामना किया।

Aamcha Jungle Dennar Nahi (We will not hand over our forest)

"We've been conserving the forest for millennia. Even our songs are similar to the sounds of animals..."

Sarus Crane Population in Bhoj on the Rise Due to Community Effort

As their practices were harming the birds, the farmers decided to start using organic fertilisers and pesticides since 2013.