Community forest resource management
‘Giving land tenure rights to commons can prevent degradation’

“Commons are not only a safety net but provide the foundation for agriculture and livestock production systems. "

Insect-eating bird population drops in heavily extracted Himalayan oak forests

Encourage local communities to capitalise on the increased bird tourism in Uttarakhand by setting up homestays ...

Community-based Tourism in Pawalgarh

Ecotourism leads the way for conservation and better livelihood opportunities for local youth

माटी की महिलाओं की नई राह (in Hindi)

यह एक समावेशी और जवाबदेह पर्यटन का उदाहरण है, जिसमें समुदाय और सैलानियों में संस्कृति का आदान-प्रदान होता है

पक्षियों का गांव है मेनार (IN HINDI)

तरबूज-खरबूज की खेती छोड़ी पक्षियों के लिए !

Maharashtra’s Feast in The Forest

The forest foods movement is about both ancient knowledge and the underlying wisdom of the forest people...

The jungle man of Coimbatore

Did you know that the elephants as they migrate also bring a variety of plants from another region?

Saving the sholas: To overcome drought, Nilgiris’ forest communities return to traditional wisdom

The drought has provided the trigger for people to think and act to conserve the shola-grassland ecosystem, and some of the water sources.

Adivasis in the Bastar conflict zone are spearheading a massive conservation effort

It is heartening that despite prevailing conflicts, Adivasi people of Bastar care for their own forests and are helping other states enrich theirs.