‘Seed bags’ to promote indigenous varieties in Agency

As many as 170 farmers in three of Andhra Pradesh's districts will take up sowing diverse seed varieties in half-acre of land each in kharif 2018.

The Ficus in the Tea: The fight for the lonely atti maram (fig tree)

Other than a tiger, almost all the other large mammals in the region were seen under the lone fig tree!

Uttarakhand Villagers harvest rainwater, recharge springs, avoid long walks

"... the villagers also started taking care of the jungle around it to strengthen the springs in the hills who had been depleted,”

Mumbai sighting of Olive Ridley hatchlings may not be as rare as imagined

It is entirely possible that it is only due to the regular clean-up of this 2.5-km-long beach (since 2015) that the turtles have returned.

Does Art Have a Caste? A Debate on Carnatic Music

The aim is to go well beyond personalities, to focus squarely on the issues and raise the level of discussion about art and society.

Todas: The Naturalistic People

The values these people espouse are linked to the fact that their sacred homeland is now at the heart of India’s very first biosphere reserve.

A Tide Turns: Coastal Community resilience in the age of Climate Change

Exploring ecologically aligned and sustainable livelihoods can build community resilience, restore ecology and create responders to future disasters.

Organic, handspun, handwoven: this muslin from Dindigul doesn’t get any better

What can be better than organic cotton, hand-spun, hand-woven and hand-dyed in organic colours?

Silent Valley: A controversy that focused global attention on a rainforest 40 years ago

The confrontation between development and environment; a people’s movement that got support from across the country