A warning note

A song that is an ultimatum to the authorities that the community will protect what is rightfully theirs

Restoring tank irrigation can strengthen rural climate resilience

A comprehensive water policy that includes tank irrigation, groundwater and canal irrigation, is needed.

A pond, a community and a forest fair – The story of Mesar Van Kautik

Food festivals, trail running and mini-marathons, yoga camps, story-telling sessions and bird-watching walks lead up to Mesar Van Kautik.

Sundarbans women lead the way in making dairy farms organic

"The herbs that go into herbal concoctions used as as insect repellents and for veterinary purposes come from our own herbal gardens."

Legacies crucial for the commons

They encompass Marx’s vision of a society that bridges humanity’s ‘metabolic rift’ with nature, and Gandhi’s emphasis on living lightly on earth.

The people who help you die better

Compassionate volunteers caring for their terminally ill neighbours is allowing more people in Kerala, to end their days at peace, at home.

Delhi’s social Butterflies: Why the city’s citizen scientists are counting butterflies in crowded residential areas

They flutter like eyelashes, dip like fish, or float languidly in an undulating rhythm that is mesmerising to watch, like ripples on a lake.

How to move a mountain

"We must be ready with ... our resolve to move mountains (of a hierarchical and unequal social order that has risen again)"

Kole Birders: Learning habitat conservation from the birds

Conservation understanding will naturally come with the understanding about birds.