Climate Change
पक्षियों का गांव है मेनार (IN HINDI)

तरबूज-खरबूज की खेती छोड़ी पक्षियों के लिए !

Sustainable Solutions for the Urban Environment

Reduce resource use and change lifestyles to ensure that the use of all resources is within the sustainable limits of natural ecosystems.

Save shola forests to combat climate change

If the natural forests of the Western Ghats are conserved, then despite increasing rains there would be less less danger of flooding downstream

Comments on National Energy Policy

Energy sector should be democratised, with policy-making, decisions, management, etc. in the hands of the people along with state institutions.

Towards an Ethics of Permanence

We must recognise that we human beings are not in any sense apart from nature, not observers of nature but participants or actors in its cosmic drama.

Dear Humans, how long will you live?

All the pressing concerns about pollution, waste, rising temperatures, and so on boil down to the need for a transformation of our value systems.

Kalpavriksh in global Transformative Knowledge Network

Social scientists bring a wealth of knowledge about social transformation that will be critical to dealing with environmental change and sustainability.

नियमगिरी के आदिवासियों की खेती (in Hindi)

खाद्य सुरक्षा, जैव विविधता, मौसम बदलाव और पर्यावरणीय दृष्टि से भी इसका महत्व आज बढ़ गया है। On Jhum agriculture around Niyamgiri

A flawed agenda for development

A narrow focus on growth-led development is the cause of the world’s sustainability crisis, not its solution