With nature for company

Merging traditional way of understanding weather with science and technology can augment adaptation to climate change too.

Assam activist receives Green Oscar for conservation of endangered stork species

The bird has now been embedded into the local culture have also succeeded, with the hargila motif finding its way into local handloom products

Aesth-ethics: towards blending ecology, justice, and art

Art could become a significant medium for not only protest, but to explore the potential of visioning a different world, and a space for creation of new possibilities.

The Garden of My Childhood

We can and must conserve our natural legacies, and become the guardians of so many values, so many little sovereignties and stolen afternoons ...

किसानों की पनाह में ‘गरुड़ों’ का आशियाना (in Hindi)

“आप बस गरुड़ के विरोध में बोलकर दिखाइए, तब आपको पता चल जाएगा कि आप कितने पानी में है.”

ಮರುಜನ್ಮ ಪಡೆದ ಕೆರೆಯ ಕಥೆ (in Kannada)

ಪ್ರಕೃತಿಗೆ ಒಮ್ಮೆ ಒಂದು ಅವಕಾಶ ಕೊಟ್ಟು ನೋಡಿ. ನೀವು ಊಹಿಸಲಾರದಷ್ಟು ವಿಧಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಅದು ನಿಮಗೆ ಹಾಗೂ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕುಟುಂಬಗಳಿಗೆ ವರದಾನ ನೀಡುತ್ತಲೇ ಹೋಗುತ್ತದೆ.

Have a little faith

Lying snug within lush green forests on all sides, the lake shone like an emerald—it was easy to understand why it would evoke a feeling of spiritual respect and awe.

The Nawabs Of Garo Hills (eco-tourism in Meghalaya)

Samrakshan’s Meghalaya field-base had undertaken community-based conservation programmes in the landscape for the last few years but our latest attempt was a community-based ecotourism programme with multiple goals. -