India must show global leadership on climate

Consumer behaviour that uses wasteful and luxury power can be changed and power redistributed to those who do not have enough.

Nagaland’s Y Nuklu Phom wins prestigious Whitley Award 2021 for his ‘biodiversity peace corridor’

Once indiscriminately hunted, the falcons have in recent years seen successful conservation by local communities.

India Biodiversity Award 2021

The Awards initiative was started jointly by the MOEFCC, National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 2012.

Khonoma Community-based Conservation initiative wins Biodiversity Award 2021

The Community has been organizing, monitoring, conserving and preserving the bio-diversity in Khonoma area for 20 years

Vedanthangal – Protecting our Future

Children and youth protest against the denotification of Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary by making art

Traversing Climate Change

The relationship between the herd and the shepherd is one of mutual dependency; the herd is the herders' family.

Telling Stories, Creating Change

For Uttarakhand youth - a platform to engage mountain communities in ecological conservation

Where Camels Take to the Sea

How will all of those kharais fare in a region that has become less hospitable to them?

Navi Mumbai couple fights to save a bird haven from becoming a golf course

"This wetland should be declared amongst protected areas associated with Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary ....”