alternative approach
Gap year Pays for Life

Students need to get breathing space, to get their bearings for the journey ahead, to find their passion and avocation.

Discussions on Alternatives over Cups of Ragi Malt

The smaller group sessions focused on some very relevant issues in specific sectors and led to intense brain storming by the participants.

On observation and What Prevents Observation

What we do with our children is to make bonsai out of them and not to let them grow to their potential as we think bonsai is their potential.

Will 2015 be a year of hope?

Can a coalition of movements from many sectors attain the critical mass needed to eventually transform the political and economic structures currently prevalent?

Poems to Colour In

Friends and strangers sit around and share anything (in the form of art, songs, dance, stories, ... that has inspired, touched or moved them.

Green Bridge Technology: A simple solution for sewer and waste treatment

The water flowing through these structures carries the solution down the river cleaning up all heavy metals deposited in it.

Anil Mehta: A Man with a Mission

The Jheel Sanrakshan Samiti of Udaipur is a group of passionate people who work selflessly and without outside funds to help improve their city’s heart – its lakes.

What is Learning?

'Learning in its true sense ... invites us to relate to the other with respect and not to conquer. Learning shows us the path of creativity, critical thinking and to nurture multiple possibilities.'

Fleet for disabled rolls out

Three disabled-friendly cabs introduced in Bangalore. Such facilities need to be made accessible to all, rather than to the few that can afford cabs.