alternative approach
A ray of hope for solar-powered agriculture

The government’s proposal to set up tail-end solar plants marks an improvement over solar pumps

In praise of un-marketing

... the internet is teeming with those that create because they want to and not because there is a market waiting for their efforts.

हमारे गाव में हम ही सरकार (in Hindi)

मेंढ़ा-लेखा ... विकल्पहीन होती जा रही दुनिया में विकल्प और उम्मीद की किरण बनकर सामने आया है।

What an idea!

Perhaps most promising was the ‘fish bowl’ session where anyone seeking or offering collaboration stepped into the middle and invited potential collaborators to discuss taking their ideas forward together.

மக்கள் வளர்வதற்காகக் காடுகள் பெருகட்டும் (in Tamil)

ஆரோவில் சாதனா வனம்: வரண்ட நிலத்தில் வளர்க்கப்பட்ட காடுகளும், மக்கள் மேம்படுவதற்கு ஏற்ற சமூகச்சூழலும், ஈகைப் பொருளாதாரமும் அமையப்பெற்ற இடம்

Sunita Dhairyam is saving not just wildlife but poor villagers

While Rs.3,000 is an insignificant amount for cattle, it often prevents villagers from resorting to retaliatory killing (of the carnivore) ...

Greens launch website on sustainability

Projects that demonstrate ecological sustainability or social well being and justice are of course welcomed. But some initiatives have also demonstrated the democratic process in operation at the grassroots.

PhotoStop: ‘Organic’ reach at Fair Trade Alliance Kerala’s Seed Fest 2015

The 5th Fair Trade Alliance Kerala Seed Fest saw organic farmers from Kerala showcase their produce and share how beneficial organic farming can be.

More forests to grow people

When we practice giving without expectation, those who experience the abundance will share it with more people, restoring the flow of life ...