Patthargarhi: Inside India’s Adivasistan

... the Adivasi-led exclusionist movement spread across hundreds of tribal villages in several states, including Jharkhand, Odisha and MP.

Bridging urban-rural divide

Cooperative initiatives that involve urban and rural people to solve problems of villages as well as cities, help to bridge the rural-urban divide

Todas: The Naturalistic People

The values these people espouse are linked to the fact that their sacred homeland is now at the heart of India’s very first biosphere reserve.

With Sickle and Stick They Saved a Forest

A story of transformation of village women into an unwavering collective which can stand for its rights and for values they cherish.

Gardens of Nutrition and Health

"Our seed diversity is preserved and cultivated, though we did loose some seeds like red maze but we have tried and revived the lost seeds"

Odisha plans to introduce millets in PDS, mid-day meal by year end

The southern region of Odisha is home to many tribals and millets have been their staple diet since generations.

Surviving through Ages

Can trees survive with roots immersed permanently in water? For hundreds of years?? And human communities have protected them?

What we can Learn from the Tribals about Forests as a Source of Food Security

“Forests are the root of our existence. We care for forests as they provide us with food, teach us the way of life, and do not discriminate."

Slow food festival held in Kotagiri

Tribal groups brought tubers, greens, millets and even milk from indigenous cattle that have been used by them for many generations.