Economics and Technologies
Et Aevum’s Honey Business

Bees play a crucial role in pollinating various crops, including mustard and litchi, thereby increasing crop yields.

Environment and Ecology
बणःतु हको कथाःरे Bana-Tu Haqo Kathare | Forest Rights Chronicles || A film by Himdhara Collective

The film traces through indigenous testimonies traces the evolution of socio-ecological systems in Lahaul

The hills are alive with the songs of change

How Sahyadri School KFI is nourishing alternatives in education to revive students’ connections to the land

Learning and Education
Realising the essence of the Sarvodaya ideal

He found countless ways to defy the constraints imposed by soulless systems by creating alternative paths that gave meaning and joy to a wide range of people

Environment and Ecology
Van Gujjars help conserve forests, but are deprived of rights

The Van Gujjars – a pastoralist community in Uttarakhand – are on the frontline of climate change, but their role in forest management is limited by the rights they are denied

Why doing nothing is a radical act for India’s women – photo essay

‘Leisure is a feminist issue’ says Surabhi Yadav, whose photography project captures carefree moments of women around her

Economics and Technologies
World Social Forum: Rethinking and Redefining Development Itself

Bioregionalism means regaining social and environmental well-being by redrawing the boundaries of governance, especially at the lowest village and township levels.

Environment and Ecology
Teaching Them Young: This Not-For-Profit Organization In Delhi Offers ‘Farm-Based’ Learning For Children

Integrating farming and composting with the existing learning method, at the school level, to provide a productive and work-based pedagogical approach to children.

Environment and Ecology
Songs of Resistance: Aarey

Resisting powerful forces, their music and activism persist, challenging mainstream development narratives and advocating for environmental justice and Adivasi rights.