Knowledge and Media
Why a community-run Gondi-language school in Gadchiroli is a revolutionary step

It is a symbol of the resolve of the local Gond community to uphold their culture within the bounds of the Constitution, despite official neglect.

Environment and Ecology
मिट्टी-बीज बचाने का अनोखा मेला (In Hindi)

बीजोत्सव में सुरक्षित व पौष्टिक खान-पान पर ज़ोर दिया जाता है।

Solar Electricity as a Democratic Question

This essay draws attention to the ‘democratic nature of sunlight’, to the need for democratization of solar energy knowledge

Case studies
Dharani: Towards Holistic Agriculture

Dharani Farming and Marketing Cooperative is a producer-owned and managed business enterprise of smallholder farmers located in Andhra Pradesh promoted by Timbaktu Collective

Knowledge and Media
What Time is the Nomad?

Talking with Pabubhai, a nomadic pastoralist from the Rabari community in Kachchh, revealed the importance of time and temporality for his life and livelihood.

Crafting the Future

The revival of craft, food and agriculture traditions in Nagaland, is leading to stronger livelihoods, women's empowerment, and conservation of biodiversity.

Environment and Ecology
For The Love Of Trees: Kashmiri Man’s Lonely Quest Of Planting, Nurturing Chinars, Majestic Trees Of Valley

“My passion to plant trees is a testament to the love I have for my homeland and the responsibility I feel towards it,” says Abdul Ahad Khan.

Health and Hygiene
अच्छी सेहत के लिए साइकिल जरूरी (In Hindi)

साइकिल एक बहु उपयोगी वाहन है। इसकी उपयोगिता कई रचनात्मक कामों में भी सामने आती रही है।

Environment and Ecology
Not a token in your hands (Poem)

This is a poem written from the point of the view of the Nicobar Megapode - a threatened bird endemic to the island and the Shompen and the Great Nicobarese.