Found 80 results for your query: Extraordinary Work

Most revered patriarch – When eleven young women from Bengal took on Gandhi

In confronting the greatest living Indian, in exposing a Mahatma's prejudices, 11 young women displayed an admirable independence of mind.

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A theatre group in Bengaluru invited Narendra Modi to watch a play that protests GST

As part of a Tax Denial Satyagraha, the Graam Seva Sangh did not charge GST on the tickets.

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From Close Quarters: Protecting an Adivasi Culture the State Wants to Destroy

The unrest in and around Bastar is fundamentally about respect, dignity and trust in our behaviour towards other people

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The best of times, the worst of times

Only a comprehensive policy response can ensure that farmers’ distress becomes a thing of the past.

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A Gandhian in Nagaland

The story of an extraordinary woman from an Ao Naga village who embraced Gandhian thought in the charged 1950s

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We’re not all superhumans

People with disabilities are neither all underachievers nor all superhuman beings. They are just regular people, just people with disabilities

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Adivasis in the Bastar conflict zone are spearheading a massive conservation effort

It is heartening that despite prevailing conflicts, Adivasi people of Bastar care for their own forests and are helping other states enrich theirs.

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Religion, Science, and Spirit: A Sacred Story for Our Time

Is it possible that the human future depends upon a new sacred story—a story that gives us a reason to care?

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Solar Panels and Solidarity

The adivasi women of Edamalakudi, Kerala’s remotest panchayat, have helped light up their villages with solar power!

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