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Online Certificate course on Communication in the Development Sector 

27 June @ 8:00 am 30 June @ 5:00 pm IST

We are excited to invite you to an online certificate course on  ‘Communications in the Development Sector’, organized by the Center for Gender and Environment. This workshop is designed to empower students and professionals in the development sector with essential skills in communications. The workshop will entail the following modules:

1.      Role and forms of communication in the development sector

2.      Barriers in communication

3.      Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC)

4.      Designing a SBCC strategy

5.      Documentation, storytelling, and writing impact stories

Why Attend?
The workshop offers a unique opportunity to understand and effectively use communications as a tool for enhancing programmatic efforts, fund raising, engaging with community and donors, and organisational values and vision. Whether you are a student, project manager, communication specialist or development practitioner, this course will provide you with practical tools and insights to improve your organisation’s impact. The course will be deemed complete on submission of the given assignment.

Expert Facilitators:
The course is facilitated by professionals with extensive experience in development communication, SBCC, documentation and storytelling. Their expertise will guide you through the nuances of communication in the development sector, providing you with real world examples and hands-on practical resources.

Course schedule: 27th to 30th of June, 2024

Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (weekdays)

11:00AM to1:00PM (weekends)

Application deadline: 21st June, 2024

Workshop Fee: 

Individual: INR 4500/- (no fee waiver)

Group of 4 or more: 10% fee waiver

Two full scholarships available for participants from underprivileged background

How to Apply?
Register by scanning the QR code in the attached brochure or by filling out the google form https://forms.gle/TSQkoMyGzRzJFWHd6

For additional details, please visit http://www.cgeindia.org/training-and-workshops

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us at 9235638688 / 9920711108.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn, share, and network with fellow professionals in the field. We look forward to your participation and to working together to advance effective communication in development.

Warm regards,

Mani Prakash
Executive director
Center for Gender and Environment   

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