
Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

The search for dignified, ecologically sustainable and meaningful livelihoods and jobs is featured in this section. This includes the continuation and enhancement of fulfilling traditional occupations that communities choose to continue, including in agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, fisheries, crafts, and others in the primary economy. It also includes sustainable, dignified jobs in manufacturing and service sectors where producers and service-providers are in control of their destinies and revenues are equitably distributed.

How Gond villages took to terrace farming

Under the guidance of a farmer from Himachal Pradesh, farmers of Madhya Pradesh had made farm-terraces on their sloping land.

Spring revival project offers hope amid climate change in the Himalayas

As a result of springshed treatment, effort to collect water is saved from walking two-three hours a day to just 10 minutes.

मेघपुष्प : जीवसृष्टीचा मूळ आधार (in Marathi)

पुरुषवाडी खेड्यातील लोकांनी व तज्ज्ञांनी घेतलेल्या सामूहिक परिश्रमांमुळे पाणी टंचाईवर उपाय

Every Drop Counts: How a Village in Maharashtra Transformed Parched Land to Lush Fields

How the collective efforts of Purushwadi villagers and experts helped contain the water crisis in the village.

A Village of Abundance

Giving up the practice of law for the sake of farming, he learns from and empowers local 'uneducated' people.

Pastoralism is the future

Itinerant pastoralists specialize in making sustainable use of highly variable environments to produce food.

South India’s famous Lantana elephants to raise their trunks for conservation funds

To raise awareness and funds for elephant conservation, 75 tribal artisans worked on creating elephant models from Lantana, a weed.

Artisan-supportive Innovative Enterpreunership in Ladakh

Creating local employment in Ladakh, a semi-nomadic entrepreneur is developing a support system for local artisans

Rural Women Celebrate Siali Uchsav for Forest and Livelihood Protection

The women dependent on Siali leaves decided to conserve and regenerate the forest after finding that there were only a few Siali creepers left.