Knowledge and Media

Knowledge and media as empowering and enabling tools for equity and sustainability

This section features stories of use of knowledge as an empowering and enabling tool for a more equitable and ecologically sustainable world. This includes: Initiatives that encourage cross-fertilisation between ideas, promotes information exchange and transcends boundaries between modern and traditional, formal and informal, and urban and rural spheres of knowledge; Initiatives that make information access free, or easier in places usually neglected, considered ‘remote’ or disconnected; Initiatives to make knowledge part of the ‘commons’ rather than a commodity, privately owned or controlled; Also initiatives that promote an alternative media that raises questions ignored or deliberately allowed to remain hidden in the mainstream media, and innovative use of media to communicate enabling information.

Press Release: 25 Organisations Meet to Discuss Development Alternatives in India

About 40 members of 25 organisations from 12 states of India met at Farmer’s Share, Shoranur, as the General Assembly of the Vikalp Sangam.

What can Traditional Fishing Communities Teach us about Sustainability?

Several experiences can be lost with the loss of just one fish. This saddens me because the present generation has not been able to witness what I experienced as a child.”- Mahendra

A case for conscience and humanity

Wars highlight nationality and ethnicity at the cost of humanity. This piece looks at Ela Bhatt’s household model to move towards a society that cares.

Dalit women reclaiming their narratives through Community Media

The Community Media Trust here demonstrates that not only in the content, the media has to be democratic in its representation and decision-making processes as well.

Biodiversity loss from mega real estate projects: What is missing, what can be done?

“Every taxa/species found in a given area will have a role to play and would be part of a local food web, and thus should not be overlooked,” Subramanya

The art of foraging: How indigenous people can be the influencers we need

Foraging, which is a part of the received wisdom of many indigenous communities, can offer a sustainable solution to the inevitable food crisis.

From abundance to endangerment to revival, Kachchh’s guggal comes a full circle

Local farmers began to grow the guggal—both for economic benefit, as well as for community awareness and involvement in its conservation.

Dongria Kondh Tribals Take on Corporate Goliaths to Save Forests

The Niyamgiri Suraksha Samiti and the MSS are demanding the immediate recognition of Community Forest Rights and Individual Forest Rights of tribals to their forests, as mandated under the FRA 2006.


It is an initiative or model that refers to grassroots community projects. The aim is to create the means for sustainable self-sufficiency at the local level to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability.