Health and Hygiene

Healthcare for all, focusing on preventive, diverse systems of health and medicine

This section features stories of initiatives ensuring healthcare for all. These are based on approaches that help prevent ill-health in the first place, including the provision of nutritional food, enabling an environment that is healthy, and so on. They include ensuring access to curative facilities to those who have conventionally not had such access. And they have stories of synergizing various health systems, traditional and modern, bringing back into popular use the diverse systems from India and outside including indigenous/folk medicine, nature cure, Ayurvedic, Unani and other such systems, and other holistic or integrative approaches. Community-based management and control of healthcare and hygiene, and ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in health, would be part of the stories featured here.

महामारी में शहीद अस्पताल की पहल (in Hindi)

सस्ता व उचित इलाज और सही जानकारी के प्रचार-प्रसार से महामारी का सामना किया।

पर्यावरण-स्नेही प्राकृतिक खेती (in Hindi)

प्राकृतिक खेती, एक टिकाऊ जीवन पद्धति है, जिससे अनाज, फल, सब्जियां, ईंधन,चारा तो मिलता ही है, मिट्टी-पानी व जैव विविधता का संरक्षण भी हो रहा है।

Janta Ka Faisla: A Citizens’ Jury of Migrants

The deliberations and the verdict of the first Janta ka Faisla can become a model for how Indian society should learn from its most vulnerable citizens

झारखंडी आदिवासियों का महामारी से सामना (in Hindi)

अनेक स्थानीय भाषाओँ में वीडियो बनाए, पिक्चर कार्ड, कहानी, नुक्कड़ नाटक, नृत्य, गीत व बातचीत इत्यादि के माध्यम से भी टीकाकरण के लिए लोगों को प्रोत्साहित किया

Better nutrition for Banswara children

Traditional food crops grown in the tribal-dominated regions ensure food and nutritional security of local communities.

Risk Minimisation essential for All National Policies

India’s sluggishness in tackling major hazards strikes is a systemic problem that requires a systemic solution.

महामारी में आत्मनिर्भरता की पहल (in Hindi)

थार के मरुस्थल में महिलाओं ने महामारी का मुकाबला हस्तकला से किया। उरमूल संस्था ने उन्हें मास्क बनाने, कढ़ाई, बुनाई, कशीदाकारी का प्रशिक्षण दिया।

Engaging with the Pandemic: Hope and Despair in five villages of Chhattisgarh

Koliyari was the only village that not only remembered the road to a self-dependent past but also agreed to tread such a path.

Folk artists as record-keepers of the pandemic

For perhaps the first time, folk and tribal artists around the country have been united by a common theme: Covid-19.