Health and Hygiene

Healthcare for all, focusing on preventive, diverse systems of health and medicine

This section features stories of initiatives ensuring healthcare for all. These are based on approaches that help prevent ill-health in the first place, including the provision of nutritional food, enabling an environment that is healthy, and so on. They include ensuring access to curative facilities to those who have conventionally not had such access. And they have stories of synergizing various health systems, traditional and modern, bringing back into popular use the diverse systems from India and outside including indigenous/folk medicine, nature cure, Ayurvedic, Unani and other such systems, and other holistic or integrative approaches. Community-based management and control of healthcare and hygiene, and ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in health, would be part of the stories featured here.

The people who help you die better

Compassionate volunteers caring for their terminally ill neighbours is allowing more people in Kerala, to end their days at peace, at home.

Urban birds can be the ideal ‘canary in the mine’ if we are willing to accept their signs

A strong mesh of urban birders will be able to collate data in real time and alert administrators about the health of the environment.

बच्चों की उम्मीद है चिंगारी ट्रस्ट (in Hindi)

गैस पीड़ित व प्रदूषित भूजल (यूनियन कार्बाइड के आसपास) प्रभावित महिलाओं और बच्चों के हितों के लिए चिंगारी ट्रस्ट काम करता है।

We are what we eat!

“The uncultivated food plants are voluntary plants. The rural poor who understand their benefits the best refuse to call them 'weeds'”

Natural substitute for fertilisers

Cow dung, cow urine, molasses, besan, and soil from an anthill go to make an excellent pest repellant and fertiliser for Koraput fields!

Millets are returning to our fields and plates

Women are the custodians of seed diversity, including millets. Seed selection, an important part of the process, is also mostly done by women.

Café Positive is run by a crew of HIV+ men and women

What is the agenda of activist Ghosh, who has come up with the idea that has taken form as Cafe Positive?

Scientist Returns to Promote Organic Farming In His Village

A true son of the soil who is incorporating his refined medical wisdom to transform the dynamics of rural farming