Health and Hygiene

Healthcare for all, focusing on preventive, diverse systems of health and medicine

This section features stories of initiatives ensuring healthcare for all. These are based on approaches that help prevent ill-health in the first place, including the provision of nutritional food, enabling an environment that is healthy, and so on. They include ensuring access to curative facilities to those who have conventionally not had such access. And they have stories of synergizing various health systems, traditional and modern, bringing back into popular use the diverse systems from India and outside including indigenous/folk medicine, nature cure, Ayurvedic, Unani and other such systems, and other holistic or integrative approaches. Community-based management and control of healthcare and hygiene, and ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in health, would be part of the stories featured here.

Amid hype for superfoods, Indian tribals save nearly-extinct crops

They produced 6,700 kg of 722 landraces of rice, cereals, pulses, oilseeds and established 27 in-situ centers in the 92 villages

More Videos for Vikalp Sangam by Video Volunteers, 2018

These videos were made for Vikalp Sangam by Video Volunteers 1. A ‘Medicine-Free’ Way of Life, Maharashtra…

Ahmedabad: Women farmers to dominate Sattvik food festival

At least 70% products will be made and sold by women farmers directly to the consumer.

फुटपाथ पर पौष्टिक भोजन (in Hindi)

सबके लिए पौष्टिक भोजन की पहल स्वास्थ्य के लिए जरूरी है। इससे किसानों की आय बढ़ेगी, रेहटी-पटरी वालों की आय बढ़ेगी और उपभोक्ताओँ को स्वास्थ्यवर्धक भोजन मिल सकेगा।

बच्चों की फुलवारी (in Hindi)

फुलवारी में बच्चों को स्वादिष्ट, गरम पतला और मुलायम भोजन के साथ उनका खास ध्यान रखा जाता है।

Ambrosial nectar for malnourished children

Milk with ashwagandhadi churnam and loha bhasmam showed excellent results in a month; children in good health over the last four years.

Government of India (GoI) asks states to learn from Odisha Millet Mission (OMM) model

"All the states to adopt and learn from the OMM model for its emphasis on reviving millets on farms and on plates! "

A Kerala Botanist’s Affair With an Unlikely 17th Century Book

Of all the plants of Malabar, what is it that “if applied on the left toe improves the clarity of vision in the right eye”?

Dignity by Design: A Life Free of ‘mal’ (feces)

For the women manual scavengers in Madhya Pradesh, a stitching centre is adding dignity back to their lives.