women empowerment
Why doing nothing is a radical act for India’s women – photo essay

‘Leisure is a feminist issue’ says Surabhi Yadav, whose photography project captures carefree moments of women around her

Lessons India Should Learn From Odisha’s Leprosy Colony on Using Public Spaces To Fight Stigma

Initiatives to create inclusive public spaces, addressing the specific needs of young children and caregivers in leprosy-affected communities.

एकता की एकांत ग्रामीण परिदृश्य (लैंडस्केप) में उद्यम की यात्रा (In Hindi)

एक गाँव की उद्यमिता को नीचे से बनाने में समुदाय और नेटवर्किंग की भूमिका


The Manifesto, aimed at political parties, government agencies, and civil society organisations and movements at various levels, lists key strategies and actions that need to be taken for just living conditions.

Ekta’s journey in the lonely landscape of a rural entrepreneur

The role of networking and community in building a business bottom-up

Feminist Khyati Shree ने बताया Patriarchal समाज में महिलाओं की क्या Freedom होनी चाहिए? (In Hindi)

द मूकनायक के साथ साक्षात्कार में फेमिनिस्ट ख्याति श्री ने आज के पितृसत्तात्मक समाज में महिलाओं की इन स्वतंत्रताओं को बताया जरूरी...

पौष्टिक खेती की ओर लौट रही हैं भीली किसान (In Hindi)

लुप्त हो रही देसी बीजों की खेती और उसकी संस्कृति को फिर से प्रचलन में लाने की कोशिश की जा रही है

A case for conscience and humanity

Wars highlight nationality and ethnicity at the cost of humanity. This piece looks at Ela Bhatt’s household model to move towards a society that cares.

Dalit women reclaiming their narratives through Community Media

The Community Media Trust here demonstrates that not only in the content, the media has to be democratic in its representation and decision-making processes as well.