Restoring the Nilgiris habitat, one acre at a time

Who might help one to take up replanting projects for private homes, estates, government land or local schools in the Nilgiris?

Farming for Healing

What does it take to create and maintain an organic medicinal farm, in the face of rampant development?

Of butterflies, cranes, macaques and India’s hydropower conundrum

In the case of a certain hydro-power project, development bowed before nature, but the same may not be the case for other projects,

Biodiversity heritage sites could turn out to be a lifeline for India’s conservation efforts

The voluntary character of the process implies an intricate desire within the stakeholders to preserve the land.

Maha gramsabha: A Unique Initiative In Central India

Apart from resistance against mining and implementation of forest rights, what other activities are taking place at the MGS level?

Bhimshankar village makes the most of nature’s trail

While promoting ecotourism, the villagers try to maintain a balance between conservation, livelihood and convenience

Delhi’s social Butterflies: Why the city’s citizen scientists are counting butterflies in crowded residential areas

They flutter like eyelashes, dip like fish, or float languidly in an undulating rhythm that is mesmerising to watch, like ripples on a lake.

Kole Birders: Learning habitat conservation from the birds

Conservation understanding will naturally come with the understanding about birds.

Forty Names of Clouds

Traditional desert dwellers, traveling mostly on foot, have an innate knowledge of this vast and differentiated land. They map it in inches