From Crop to Garment: How Sustainable Producers Respect The Cotton Value Chain

Socio-environmental injustices often lead to social movements and activism led by those in the community who are determined to make a change.

When human beings go past language

Ganesh Devy is now focused on studying how long it will be before we move away from speech-based communication.

We are addicted to convenience, and it’s a fatal attraction both for us and the planet

Ready-made meals, motorised transport, smartphones make our lives a lot easier, but at what cost?

A silicon tide lifts many boats

Free Software Movement of Karnataka teaches children from the slum how to wield a mouse and use open source software to gain 'whitecollar' skills.

Don’t Migrate to the City, Learn How to Climb a Tree Instead

Nataraju is now engaged full-time in palm climbing. He travels across Tumkur district and is able to save up to Rs. 800-1,000 per day.

‘Whatever they do, project dead, we keep our land’

“You can say the project is as good as dead. Ten years is too long for any business,”

Radical movements and initiatives in Latin America – A source of learning for social movements in India

A wide diversity of movements have arisen in Latin America, in four countries: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Venezuela. Each of these has significant lessons for progressive movements in India