Traditional Knowledge
Zero-budget natural farming brought big gains for Andhra farmers, shows study

Comparison on six parameters: Water, electricity, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, yield and net revenue.

Nature better off with indigenous people, indicates global report

“Recognizing the knowledge, institutions and values of indigenous peoples and local communities ... enhances... nature conservation”

From This Wounded Forest: A Dispatch

... I’m preparing myself to dismantle the machine, and the system that supports it, before it devours the planet, my home.

Meet The Woman Whose Orchard Will Give Ladakh’s Stunning Handicrafts a New Home

An initiative to support all these local artisans, offer them business opportunities and help them to showcase, promote and sell their art.

In A First, Hyderabad Folks Get Organic Food Directly From Farmers in Sangareddy!

Consumers support farmers upfront at the beginning of a farming season. In return, at the time of harvest, consumers are directly given farm products

A lost desi cotton heritage

Government needs to diversify the seed availability, regulate illegal seeds and tighten laws so farmers have a real choice, not a Hobson’s one.

Natural substitute for fertilisers

Cow dung, cow urine, molasses, besan, and soil from an anthill go to make an excellent pest repellant and fertiliser for Koraput fields!

Sikkim’s Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve braids nature with culture as tourism expands

" Biocultural knowledge is the secret of how communities have responded and adapted to climate change and globalisation"

Youth drive revival of traditional rice varieties in West Bengal

“Traditional rice cultivars are inherently endowed with higher nutritional value than their chemically grown counterparts.”