traditional food
Reviving indigenous seeds: A silent revolution in India’s rice growing states

The silent seed revolution has only begun, and Nel Jayaraman’s efforts in Tamil Nadu have triggered many seed festivals across Tamil Nadu.

Community-based Tourism in Pawalgarh

Ecotourism leads the way for conservation and better livelihood opportunities for local youth

Combating Desertification: Maharashtra’s Vanvadi Bears Testimony to Magic of Forest Regeneration

Regenerating forests, rejuvenating soils, recharging groundwater, and reviving human spirits, all go hand in hand!

आदिवासियों के पौष्टिक अनाजों की खेती (in Hindi)

यह पौष्टिक अनाज लोगों को पोषणयुक्त भोजन देंगे। मिट्टी पानी के संरक्षण वाली देसी खेती बचेगी, लुप्त हो रहे देसी बीज बचेंगे, छत्तीसगढ़ की कृषि संस्कृति बचेगी, खाद्य सुरक्षा होगी।

माटी की महिलाओं की नई राह (in Hindi)

यह एक समावेशी और जवाबदेह पर्यटन का उदाहरण है, जिसमें समुदाय और सैलानियों में संस्कृति का आदान-प्रदान होता है

Call to promote desi seed

Only millet varieties and desi seed could adapt to climate change and enable farmers address climate change.

The arrogance of the ignorant

Forests inhabited by Adivasis are some of the best conserved in the subcontinent ... and ‘indigenous knowledge’ is invaluable.

Coimbatore Techie Sells 40+ Varieties of Native Leafy Greens, Empowers Farmers!

Through this venture, farmers are finding stable incomes, and sustainable livelihoods as the produce is directly bought without intermediaries

Millets, The ‘Nutri-Cereals’ That Could Give Fillip to Mission Nutrition

Millets are being made part of the midday meal and Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in several districts of Odisha