sustainable prosperity
Sowing the seeds of Swaraj

“(Traditional) seeds have a treasure of past experience inbuilt. They are accustomed to vagaries of nature, while the modern seeds are yet to learn the local environment.”

Sherdukpen: finding a recipe to fit the future

Enthusiastic bands of young people from this small tribal community in Arunachal Pradesh are trying to ind their future to their traditional roots

The seeds of revolution

DDS is successfully working with Dalit farmers towards ecologically sustainable farming, women empowerment and community-led communications.

Sunny balconies and hanging gardens in Goa

Terrace kitchen gardens are slowly making their mark here.

Solar Panels and Solidarity

The adivasi women of Edamalakudi, Kerala’s remotest panchayat, have helped light up their villages with solar power!

Keepers of the seeds

Like other women have done for generations in Rajasthan, Chamnibai Meena has been saving local seeds and preserving indigenous knowledge

The nature of belief (in Lepcha language)

As hunger for growth and energy threatens a community of nature worshippers, they point to a different path towards development

A flawed agenda for development

A narrow focus on growth-led development is the cause of the world’s sustainability crisis, not its solution

The nature of belief

As hunger for growth and energy threatens a community of nature worshippers, they point to a different path towards development