sustainable prosperity
A tie-up that can go a long way in crop cultivation

While farmers get an input assistance of ₹5,000 per acre, the consumers get the farm yield.

Can environment education save our planet?

A blend of knowledge, analytical skills and social and interpersonal skills together can help create future environment leaders.

A rice, lost and found

The rice, endemic to Kerala, adapted to the salinity of the coastal areas. To survive the tides the plant grew taller - to 1.5 meters.

Karnataka embarks on millet revolution, UAS shows the way

Processing at the University is comparatively cheap, and since there are no middlemen, farmers of Hyderabad-Karnataka save a lot.

More Questions Than Answers: Is There Indeed an Alternate Development Paradigm?

Answers need to be pursued to transition from a peripheral intellectual wishful debate to mainstream positive action on the ground.

Sustainability from the Global South

Educators must share how communities in the developing world manage environmental change — a Western bias limits progress, argues Harini Nagendra.

Facing the future of development

These initiatives have stayed or even reversed rural-urban migration and attempted gender and caste justice without trashing the environment.

मजदूरों के संघर्ष ने बोये उम्मीद के बीज (in Hindi)

जो ग्रामीण रोजगार के काम हो रहे हैं, जनता के समक्ष पूरी जानकारी रखी जाए - यहीं से सूचना के अधिकार की शुरूआत हुई।

The Handmade Symposium

Part of the shift towards lesser dependence on machine technology - a planned, self-motivated and civilized way of rebuilding the current system.