The art of foraging: How indigenous people can be the influencers we need

Foraging, which is a part of the received wisdom of many indigenous communities, can offer a sustainable solution to the inevitable food crisis.

From abundance to endangerment to revival, Kachchh’s guggal comes a full circle

Local farmers began to grow the guggal—both for economic benefit, as well as for community awareness and involvement in its conservation.

जंगल को कैसे बचा रहे हैं छत्तीसगढ़ के कमार ? (In Hindi)

कमार आदिवासियों ने जंगल बचाने के साथ आजीविका भी बचाई है|

Crisis in India’s bread basket

How agriculture, capital and corporate investment have reshaped Indian Punjab, and brought about its current precarity

Declining bird populations are a ‘grim’ reminder of rapid biodiversity loss, says new report

Targeted, systematic, periodic monitoring of bird populations and using consistent methods can help species management.

Ruza, a traditional water harvesting system for the water-scarce mountains

It is a communal practice with the water shared among families and an integrated form of farming comprising forestry, horticulture, agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry.

Can quick-fix solutions address India’s growing water woes?

Resistance to such destructive projects by helping the communities and their organisations fight them and developing alternatives through research and capacity building should be seen as part of our interventions or engagement in the urban space.

भारत का वैकल्पिक भविष्य: कुछ झलक (In Hindi)

यह दो लेख ‘ऑल्टेर्नेटिव फ्युचर्स: इन्डिया अन्शैकल्ड’ किताब जो २०१७ में छपी थी, से लिये व अनुवादित किये गये हैं।

The Ladakhi Story In A Grain

Through barley, the mela projected an inter-connected web of life and how the death of any one of those nodes disturbs the entire web leading to ills and illnesses of many kinds.