Videos – Environment Session of Janta Parliament, 18 August 2020

Organised by several dozen networks and organisations of people's movements and civil society

The Ecosystem of Learning

Reimagining an Earth-centric and child-centric education

Janta Parliament: Resolutions Passed in Session on Environment, 18 August 2020

Over 30 resolutions relating to eight subjects passed at the Environment session

Tula: A Return to India’s Regenerative Cotton Roots

Tula has a policy of not exporting their fabric or clothing, despite many requests.

Press Release by Janta Parliament (जनता संसद) 18 Aug. 2020

Janta Parliament calls on urgent action for ecological security

Young activist aims to bring India’s tribal wisdom to the climate fight

Her strong work in advocacy and research, promoting the traditional knowledge and cultural practices of indigenous communities.

Revival of desi (indigenous) a ‘sine qua non’ for sustainable agriculture in India

Breeders have achieved great success in improving the staple length of desi cotton

Rajasthan tribals’ struggle for indigenous practices highlighted at U.N. event

The tribal communities in Banswara, Dungarpur and Udaipur districts earlier had a (sustainable) forest resource-based livelihood

तालाबंदी में जंगल से आती है भोजन की थाली (in Hindi)

कोविद के समय जब बाजार बंद हो गए तब जंगल ने दिया खाना और पोषण। जंगल हैं आत्मनिर्भरता के प्रतीक