How an army of women in Vellore resurrected a river that once served as their lifeline

A small team of women build 600 wells to revive a dead river!

Legacies crucial for the commons

They encompass Marx’s vision of a society that bridges humanity’s ‘metabolic rift’ with nature, and Gandhi’s emphasis on living lightly on earth.

पर्यायी जीवन (in Marathi)

शिक्षण सम्यक् दृष्टीवर आधारलेले हवे; व्यवसाय, नोकऱ्या, संशोधन हे मुख्यतः जैवविविधतेचे, निसर्गाचे संरक्षण, संवर्धन यांतून प्राप्त झाल्या पाहिजेत...

The indigenous doctors and Healers of Chhattisgarh

Knowledge and a respect for ecology still enables the local traditional healers to ensure immense faith and following by Chhattisgarh folk.

‘Seed bags’ to promote indigenous varieties in Agency

As many as 170 farmers in three of Andhra Pradesh's districts will take up sowing diverse seed varieties in half-acre of land each in kharif 2018.

The little fish in big rivers

Across the region, fish is always prepared in combination with local herbs, ferns, flowers and seasonal vegetables.

Kitchen Gardens That Bring Nutrition, Livelihood Support and Protect Seeds

The kitchen garden provides a steady stream of different vegetables and fruits, providing nutrition as well as a little extra income for the family.

Direct selling, adivasi style

The weekly Bissamcuttack market, nurturing the area’s ecologically-attuned agricultural traditions, forges a connection between consumers and farmers

The Neoliberalisation of Education and its Alternatives

A space free from school pressure, expectations to ‘perform well,’ need to permanently prove one’s ‘knowledge’ and free from teachers