pro-poor policy
‘Roti Bank’ guarantees right to food in Bundelkhand

Volunteers collect and distribute the food, benefiting patients and attendants, destitute on the roads and railway station, slum dwellers and poor undergoing treatment at home.

Lessons in caring

Compassionate people in many communities have started becoming proxy families of the mentally ill and homeless.

Sunita Dhairyam is saving not just wildlife but poor villagers

While Rs.3,000 is an insignificant amount for cattle, it often prevents villagers from resorting to retaliatory killing (of the carnivore) ...

The Future of Learning

Groups of Indian street children learned to use computers and the Internet by themselves...

Raju: 1 Billion(!) Trees planted in a Day!

S. M. Raju ingeniously integrated the Indian government’s rural employment guaranty scheme (NREGA) with tree plantation drives.

The untold Poorna story

The power of pro-poor policies was demonstrated when 13-year-old Malavath Poorna, a tribal girl from Telengana, summitted Mount Everest last May.