organic seeds
Less Rice, More Nutritious Crops Will Enhance India’s Food Supply, Study Says

Planting more coarse cereals including millets could increase protein, iron; climate resilience; and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A living gene bank

Small parcels of grains from marked off plots devoted to specific varieties are handed over as seeds to interested farmers.

Sikkim sees surge in butterfly biodiversity

What do farms have to do with butterflies?

Budget & Zero Budget Farming

Natural/ Organic Farming is about the relation of the human race with nature and about empowering the farming community comprehensively...

Kondh Ingenuity: An Unsentimental Reverence to Nature

In the month of April, at the Bihan Parab festival, people come together to share seeds for the upcoming cultivation cycle, ensuring equity.

Open Letter to Subhash Palekar-ji, on his comparison of Organic Farming to Atom Bomb

Request: Publicly withdraw your statement that “Organic farming is worse than atom bomb;” and your approval of GM seeds in ZBNF/SPNF.

Millets, The ‘Nutri-Cereals’ That Could Give Fillip to Mission Nutrition

Millets are being made part of the midday meal and Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in several districts of Odisha

G Nammalvar, messiah of organic revolution

"Farming is a way of living, and a way of living that is possible even in the 21st century.”

कमार आदिवासियों की देसी खेती (in Hindi)

उन्होंने करीब 346 प्रकार की देसी धान की किस्में लगाई थीं। ... बाड़ियों के प्रचलन से उनके पोषण में सुधार हुआ है और आमदनी भी बढ़ी है।