organic seeds
मिट्टी-बीज बचाने का अनोखा मेला (In Hindi)

बीजोत्सव में सुरक्षित व पौष्टिक खान-पान पर ज़ोर दिया जाता है।

Teaching Them Young: This Not-For-Profit Organization In Delhi Offers ‘Farm-Based’ Learning For Children

Integrating farming and composting with the existing learning method, at the school level, to provide a productive and work-based pedagogical approach to children.

Woman Quits Job, Helps Over 2,000 Himalayan Farmers Increase Earnings ‘Organically’

A former software professional's journey to start Himalaya2Home, a direct partnership channel that works with organic farmers in Uttarakhand.

After Sikkim, Lakshadweep set to turn 100% organic

According to the requirement of organic certification, no genetically modified organism is allowed to be used in the entire territory.

देसी बीजों की खेती ने भूख से बचाया (in Hindi)

तालाबंदी के कारण जब बाजार बंद थे, रोजगार और पैसों का अभाव था, तब उनको पौष्टिक अनाज व सब्जी बाड़ी से सब्जियां की कमी नहीं हुई।

Against the grain: why millet is making a comeback in rural India

Sharing knowledge, increasing their output, and accessing new markets.

आदिवासियों की सब्जी बाड़ी (in Hindi)

यहां जैविक ढंग से सब्जी बाड़ी की खेती जा रही है। इससे ताजी हरी फल्लीदार सब्जियां, कंद व मसाले और औषधियुक्त पौधे मिलते हैं।

Mission Shakti Mela:Traditional snacks turn heads

To enable rural and urban women producers to showcase their products, develop market linkage and refine their produce.