We need to go beyond self-interest or we’re doomed: Jean Drèze

There is a natural complementarity between research and action which means using non-violent, democratic means to bring about change.

Camel milk is gaining popularity. Could it be an alternative for dairy market?

The dairy cooperatives in Gujarat collect 10,000 litres of camel milk per week from the Kachchh district.

Todas: The Naturalistic People

The values these people espouse are linked to the fact that their sacred homeland is now at the heart of India’s very first biosphere reserve.

Padman – The Real Story of How He Shot to Fame by Selling Shame

No paper showed evidence that use of ... cloth, is related to any menstrual disorder or reproductive tract infection.

An Incredible Story of a Family That Made a Forest, an Eco-Village and Lives Medicine-Free

Going back to nature also means giving up the illogical ways of modern medicine, for Dr Pravin Chordia.

More Videos for Vikalp Sangam, by Video Volunteers

Short videos by community members on alternative initiatives that attempt to integrate ecological sustainability, economic democracy, social justice, cultural diversity and democratic governance.

The deshi cow milk jinx

The indigenous cattle breed owners - poor farmers, herders and nomadic pastoralists who produce most of the milk - must find it beneficial.

Avoiding Airpocalypse: It’s Time to Move Beyond Quick Fixes and Tackle the Root Cause of Crisis

The fixation on economic growth indicators has blinded our decision-makers to the enormous social and ecological damage such growth causes.

Therapy for India’s distressed farmers

For many farmers, sharing and ventilating their toxic and morbid thoughts was cathartic.