Food Sovereignty
Millets are returning to our fields and plates

Women are the custodians of seed diversity, including millets. Seed selection, an important part of the process, is also mostly done by women.

Festival of Uncultivated Food: Weeding out the myths

Edible plants and crops which we ignoramuses tend to dismiss as weeds, are plants that grow without their seeds being sown and alongside other crops.

Harvesting hope: the permaculture movement in India

Permaculture farms offer food throughout the year, reduce waste and pests and keep the soil healthy and productive.

Forty Names of Clouds

Traditional desert dwellers, traveling mostly on foot, have an innate knowledge of this vast and differentiated land. They map it in inches

Your Vegetable Shopping in Bengaluru Can Directly Help Farmers. Here’s How!

The CSA model: Supporting a farmer instead of buying vegetables

Taking firm root: A cooperative success story off Salem

Member-farmers do not cultivate the same crop; the produce is purchased by the society; and farmers are debt-free.

Maharashtra Rural-Urban exchange programme

Crops and vegetables planted within one acre farms by the women gave nutritious and healthy plants for consumption with surplus produce.

Swaraj at 70: The concept of aazadi is no longer enough

... to explore the state of Swaraj at 70 - in finance, politics, agriculture, human rights, food sovereignty, culture, conflict resolution.