food security
1420 Varieties, 25 Years: Meet the Man Rescuing India’s Rice Diversity From Extinction

"We go the extra mile so that the farmer who takes these seeds takes home the same variety that I conserved 25 years ago. "

Reviving indigenous seeds: A silent revolution in India’s rice growing states

The silent seed revolution has only begun, and Nel Jayaraman’s efforts in Tamil Nadu have triggered many seed festivals across Tamil Nadu.

Is permaculture a real solution to agricultural distress?

Ensuring food security and diversity of food, seed security, nurturing of the ecosystem and, more importantly, protecting health of communities.

Maha gramsabha: A Unique Initiative In Central India

Apart from resistance against mining and implementation of forest rights, what other activities are taking place at the MGS level?

Reforesting the hillsides of the Himalayas

Alaap has taken on a mountain of a challenge - restoring Himalayan native forests, involving community and engaging with government

The arrogance of the ignorant

Forests inhabited by Adivasis are some of the best conserved in the subcontinent ... and ‘indigenous knowledge’ is invaluable.

Coimbatore Techie Sells 40+ Varieties of Native Leafy Greens, Empowers Farmers!

Through this venture, farmers are finding stable incomes, and sustainable livelihoods as the produce is directly bought without intermediaries

From Lodhi Garden to your dining table: Foraging for food in New Delhi

“Most of the plants dismissed as weeds are edible and we don’t even know it. We walk past them every day ..."

TEDx Talk on Vikalp Sangam

An environmentalist inspires us to think and plan for the future, to focus on the positives, on the solutions, for a better life. He inspires us to dream.