farming practices
Palakkadan matta scripts a success story

The traditional red rice, which retains its outer bran layers, has far more nutrients than polished Basmati, and has a Geographical Indication (GI) tag .

Placing faith in the farmer

A conversation on Community Supported Agriculture with Ashwin Paranjpe of Gorus Organic Farming Association

Debating rice in the forest of learning

A brilliant school in Tamil Nadu, free for Adivasis and Dalits, but denied state recognition

Natural farm products get boost with new project

Vithu Muthal Vipani Vare Vishudhi' launched by Earth Care Foundation to ensure maximum price for farmers and toxin-free food for consumers.

Korra or Quinoa?

"Health concerns are attributed to poor nutrition in low income segments of the population, whereas the affluent need to address health issues arising from changing lifestyles and food habits"

Marudam Farm School: becoming while it is being

Children are exposed to a conscious way of living that respects the environment and its diversity within an organic farm that is also mostly powered by renewable energy ...

Biodiversity spot brought about in a fortnight

... and this Sunday, the 26th of July, i.e just in 15 days, the lake is full of water with fishes, tadpoles, snakes, insects, birds and there are lots of fireflies near lake :)

Tamil Nadu farmers float club to produce organic vegetables

These farmers have realised that time has come to change their farming practices. "We have started learning modern organic farming methods."

Organic terrace gardens come of age

Residents of Madurai add some green space to their place of living