farming practices
Turmeric team led by Saioo of Meghalaya

She has pushed for policy advocacy, implementation of schemes and marketing of Lakadong turmeric.

The incentive problem behind groundwater overuse in India

Deeper wells do not just hurt the environment but can also increase the cost borne by farmers.

Farmers or corporates: Who benefits from Andhra Pradesh’s natural farming project?

"Alternative narratives at a scale that the farmer community can understand, control and adopt are already available."

Can Andhra Pradesh’s ambitious plan to stop the use of chemicals in farms succeed?

Natural farming has improved yields in some areas but scaling it up to cover the entire state requires Rs 17,000 crore.

Techies write new code for farming success

For farmers, the investments by the IT professionals are like an interest-free loans.

महिला किसानों का संगम रेडियो (in Hindi)

यह महिलाओं की आवाज है। वे इसे चलाती हैं, वे ही इसकी मालिक हैं। उनके सशक्तीकरण का अच्छा उदाहरण है।

G Nammalvar, messiah of organic revolution

"Farming is a way of living, and a way of living that is possible even in the 21st century.”

Bhimashankar villagers multiply indigenous seeds

They pack one kg of a variety of indigenous seeds in cloth bags and sell them at exhibitions to encourage more farmers to cultivate them.

कमार आदिवासियों की देसी खेती (in Hindi)

उन्होंने करीब 346 प्रकार की देसी धान की किस्में लगाई थीं। ... बाड़ियों के प्रचलन से उनके पोषण में सुधार हुआ है और आमदनी भी बढ़ी है।