Many colors of groundwater in a tiny Western Ghats village

The diversity and independence of water management in Konkan is remarkable ... where communities own, maintain and manage their own water.

Scientists say a vulture’s services worth over Rs 5 lakh

A vulture safety zone for breeding 600 birds and releasing them in the wild would cost 75% of the cost of a medium carcass rendering plant.

A campus habitat for butterflies

College Students plan to use their expertise to create more Butterfly parks on other campuses.

Is Responsible Tourism an Oxymoron?

Tourism policy in India is increasingly realizing the potential and need for genuinely community-run, ecologically sensitive visitation.

Caring for Madurai’s Only Waterfall

Nature lovers from the city and villagers join hands to clean the Kutladampatti waterfall under the ‘Friends of Forest’ initiative.

A nomads’ legend keeps the Indian wolf alive: An unconventional conservation story

The tribesmen consider the wolf to be the brother of their ancestors ...

Vikalp Sangam Posters: Ideas and Initiatives

A set of posters photographically narrating the idea of Vikalp Sangam through examples in various catagories is exhibited at every Vikalp Sangam gathering.

Radical movements and initiatives in Latin America – A source of learning for social movements in India

A wide diversity of movements have arisen in Latin America, in four countries: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Venezuela. Each of these has significant lessons for progressive movements in India