ecological sustainability
Save shola forests to combat climate change

If the natural forests of the Western Ghats are conserved, then despite increasing rains there would be less less danger of flooding downstream

Practising Ecological Sustainability at School

With a staggering 225 KW rooftop solar plant, the school is completely self-reliant when it comes to electricity. Even their lifts operate on Solar Power.

Near border standoff, a village opens its homes to a new future

Homestay is not a standalone concept, but is tied in with community-based tourism. Villagers have become more self-reliant.

The last straw that triggered the battle against plastic

Restaurants and bars in Mumbai decided to stop giving their customers straws with their drinks or to offer them paper straws.

Environmental & Economic Sustainability, Social Harmony and Social Transmutation : an example towards Self-rule/Swaraj

On an average, around one hundred people worked daily for around one and a half years to dig the canal through the mountain.

From Close Quarters: Protecting an Adivasi Culture the State Wants to Destroy

The unrest in and around Bastar is fundamentally about respect, dignity and trust in our behaviour towards other people

It is hard to Understand What is Private and What is Common

Adivasi Food Festival-2017 was a celebration of a tradition that has seen many a loss but still has refused to succumb to misfortune

Go organic to beat drought, says seed reviver

"Farmers need spend only a little on input costs and can get good returns on their investment if they grew traditional varieties of paddy"

The best of times, the worst of times

Only a comprehensive policy response can ensure that farmers’ distress becomes a thing of the past.