The Diverging Paths of Two Young Women Foretell the Fate of a Tribe in India

The tribe’s resilience is based on an intellectual heritage—one taught not in writing but in oral lore, manual skills, and naturalist knowledge.

Kondh Ingenuity: An Unsentimental Reverence to Nature

In the month of April, at the Bihan Parab festival, people come together to share seeds for the upcoming cultivation cycle, ensuring equity.

Is permaculture a real solution to agricultural distress?

Ensuring food security and diversity of food, seed security, nurturing of the ecosystem and, more importantly, protecting health of communities.

माटी की महिलाओं की नई राह (in Hindi)

यह एक समावेशी और जवाबदेह पर्यटन का उदाहरण है, जिसमें समुदाय और सैलानियों में संस्कृति का आदान-प्रदान होता है

Resistance Is Fertile – The Emerging Alternative Political Discourse in the Indian Parliamentary Elections

People and communities need empowerment to govern and manage their lives, and also to make the state accountable & transparent.

A People’s Manifesto for the Western Himalayas Mountain region, April 2019

outlines a region-specific strategy for inclusive, ecologically sound development that takes into account the fragility of the landscape.

Reforesting the hillsides of the Himalayas

Alaap has taken on a mountain of a challenge - restoring Himalayan native forests, involving community and engaging with government

The arrogance of the ignorant

Forests inhabited by Adivasis are some of the best conserved in the subcontinent ... and ‘indigenous knowledge’ is invaluable.

‘संगमेश्वरी’ला पुन्हा लोकाश्रय मिळवून देणारं नाटक (in Marathi)

सारे लोकव्यवहारच त्या बोलीत होत असल्यानं कला, संस्कृती, परंपरा, खाद्यसंस्कृती, उत्सव अशा विविध बाबींशी निगडित मोठा खजिनाच बोलीभाषेत असतो.