Re-imagining food: Do we have the stomach for it?

Hunger ... is not due to lack of food, but lack of justice

Reimagining Wellbeing: Villages opening spaces for Self-Governance

resisting mining ... and moving towards social, political, economic and ecological transformation

Gandhi and green democracy: The evolution of eco-Swaraj

Swaraj - my own autonomy, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, my independence, both as an individual and as a community

How a restoration project in Karnataka is helping revive ecology, community livelihood

... a powerful livelihood alternative, a win-win for the forest-dependent communities and the ecology of the area

हाथीपावा : श्रमदान से बदली सूरत (in Hindi)

सहयोग की परंपरा हलमा कार्यक्रम में 5 हजार से ज्यादा ग्रामीणों ने अपने खर्च पर झाबुआ पहुंचकर पांच घंटे तक श्रमदान किया।

Reviving tradition with new mandate: Shivji ka HALMA

Shivji ka Halma! To quench the thirst of Mother Earth, an ancient tradition of the Bhil tribe, re- cast.

How self-help groups in rural Odisha helped both farmers and consumers during lockdown

As the lockdown is relaxed, in Kalimela some seven or eight rickshaws still operate, showing the sustainability of the model.

महात्मा गाँधी ने फ़ोन किया मोदी जी को (in Hindi)

‘स्वराज’ आएगा तब जब लोग इतने सक्षम हो जाएँगे कि सत्ता के दुरुपयोग का विरोध कर सकें।

Kibber’s snow leopards

With efforts, people came to accept snow leopards and gradually the animals grew in number.