T.M. Krishna’s Song in Solidarity with Chennai’s Endangered Creek

For the first time ever, a matter of public concern has been rendered in Carnatic music.

Rural women have resilience to cope with climate risks: study

“We found that knowledge networks of women contribute immensely to tide over the adverse effect of the risk episodes..."

महिला किसानों की बीज क्रांति (in Hindi)

मलनाड की वनस्त्री संस्था को महिलाओं और स्थानीय बीजों के साथ जुटे कार्य के लिए नारी शक्ति पुरस्कार २०१८ घोषित किया गया है!

Millet-based ready-to-cook foods launched

A community production centre set up by the Deccan Development Society introduces millets-based nutritious ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook foods.

The deshi cow milk jinx

The indigenous cattle breed owners - poor farmers, herders and nomadic pastoralists who produce most of the milk - must find it beneficial.

Novel Initiative to help farmers’ families in distress

The cattle breed selected depends on the areas from where the beneficiaries hail from, to ensure better adaptability for the animals.

A Decade of Pour Tous Distribution Centre (PTDC) : the evolution of an Auroville institution

PTDC was the first major breakthrough towards an economy with no exchange of money, in contrast with previous experiments.

Niyamgiri tribe revive wild harvests after Vedanta victory

Increasing farmers’ access to a variety of traditional seeds and planting materials will make them more resilient to climatic hazards.

‘Nature’s Grandchildren’

Rabindranath Tagore illuminates how metropolitan humanity’s growing alienation from the natural world drains it of vitality which it could possess again