Legacies crucial for the commons

They encompass Marx’s vision of a society that bridges humanity’s ‘metabolic rift’ with nature, and Gandhi’s emphasis on living lightly on earth.

Delhi’s social Butterflies: Why the city’s citizen scientists are counting butterflies in crowded residential areas

They flutter like eyelashes, dip like fish, or float languidly in an undulating rhythm that is mesmerising to watch, like ripples on a lake.

Kole Birders: Learning habitat conservation from the birds

Conservation understanding will naturally come with the understanding about birds.

Shepherd from Karnataka builds 14 ponds on barren hill, turns his village green

"Wherever I take up 5-6 ft of digging, there will be water which will not dry up … even during summers.”

3D Modelling for Participatory Water Management

Participants started discussing amongst themselves landscape features in their villages and demarcated forest, roads, wells, etc.

Reinterpreting Rousseau—decolonizing education and designing an education for the ecological age

Nataraja Guru's solution of Rousseau's paradox (a national education system can either aim to create a citizen or a human being...)

Meet the young man who, in a small way, is doing more to save Delhi’s ecology than its politicians

The walk is conducted by the light of the full moon - people (experience) nature without ... even simple torches!

More Questions Than Answers: Is There Indeed an Alternate Development Paradigm?

Answers need to be pursued to transition from a peripheral intellectual wishful debate to mainstream positive action on the ground.

Residents ‘Adopt’ Vitthalwadi River Stretch, Hyacinth Cleared

Alternate layers of dry leaves (from the city) and aquatic plants from a one-km stretch of the Mutha river are layered on the banks and composted.