alternative approach
What happens at LSUC doesn’t stay at LSUC

"I want better responsiveness. We need to train ourselves to be prepared for uncertainty."

Kalkeri Sangeeth Vidyalaya: A School for Music and More

KSV believes that it is the fundamental right of all children to have access to education, adequate food, healthcare facilities

A Kerala Botanist’s Affair With an Unlikely 17th Century Book

Of all the plants of Malabar, what is it that “if applied on the left toe improves the clarity of vision in the right eye”?

Mangal Turbine – A Neglected Device Which Can Save Millions of Litres of Diesel Every Year

The value of this Turbine has increased further with the need to curb fossil fuel consumption and the related greenhouse gas emissions.

शहर में प्रकृति के करीब जीवन (in Hindi)

शहर में भी कम खर्च में बिजली और पानी का प्रबंध सुचारु रूप से किया जा सकता है

Natural substitute for fertilisers

Cow dung, cow urine, molasses, besan, and soil from an anthill go to make an excellent pest repellant and fertiliser for Koraput fields!

Café Paaka, Hyderabad: ‘Organic, artisanal, slow’

To promote underground independent arts, to provide a platform for such artists and to expose the crowd to a variety of alternative genres

Alternative paradigm of development – Tagore & Gandhi

A developed society fosters creativity of human mind, is peaceful, inclusive, connected with love, affection & friendship

Ecologies of Hope and Transformation: Post-Development Alternatives from India (2018)

The stories in the book challenge inequality, ecological damage, centralised governance, and the currently dominant model of development.